An obscure pirated/bootleg release of The Way of the Tiger on MSX by Italian label Armati. Published byArmati SoftMedia typeProduct…
Ill-timed, but excellent run-and-run game-of-the-Charles-Bronson-movie coded by ZX Spectrum stalwarts Peter Harrap, Shaun Hollingworth and Chris Kerry. Steve Kerry and…
The C16/Plus4 port of Shaun Hollingworth and Peter Harrap’s Way of the Tiger was a somewhat limited, but valiant conversion…
An interesting post here discusses the various videogame development kits developed by Shaun Hollingworth and Matt Furniss at Krisalis Software…
Gremlin developed The Way of the Tiger and Avenger games based upon the successful gamebook series by Mark Smith and…
Recreated artwork from Grandslam’s Terramex – an arcade adventure designs by Gremlins Chris Kerry and Mark Rogers and developed by…