Facebook Google+ Twitter Kevin Crossley’s Fatal Racing Sketchbooks Kevin recalls working on Gremlin’s PC racer: “I was happily working with [the] game editor designing and building and testing… 0 20.08.23
Facebook Google+ Twitter Overtime Memo (July 1995) A memo from Tim Heaton to staff working at Gremlin on various projects. It’s an interesting snippet showing the kinds… 0 06.08.19
Facebook Google+ Twitter 90 Minutes Magazine (December 1995) Actua Soccer features in the December edition of 90 Minutes magazine. 0 17.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Actua Football – Mode Document (1995) Donated by Richard Stevenson, a design document detailing the different modes of play for Actua Soccer – interestingly called Actua… 0 15.06.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Sandwarriors (PC) Astros Productions’ Sandwarriors was published by Gremlin on PC in 1995. 0 20.03.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter http://www.gremlinarchive.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/playdam_000.mp4 Gremlin Logo Ident – Sandwarriors The Gremlin Interactive Logo Ident from Astros Productions’ Sandwarriors. 0 20.03.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Cool Zool Book “Cooler than Mario, smarter than Sonic …” Boxtree released two Zool-themed books in 1995 authored by Stan Nicholls and illustrated… 1 05.02.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Loaded Badges Badges used to promote the US Interplay release of Playstation classic Loaded. 0 17.08.16