Robert Millington’s application for a games designer job advertised in The Sheffield Star in 1991.
A lookback at 8 iconic Gremlin Games for Bitmap Books:
Photograph of [L-R] Andrew Morris (Magnetic Fields), Tony Crowther, Peter Harrap, Ian Stewart and Shaun Hollingworth at the Play Blackpool…
Gremlin supported the SoftAid charity with a text adventure aimed at children called Tinderbox.
Zool did originally have an unbranded sweet level when it was first seen on CU Amiga magazine coverdisks in June…
PR release for the unreleased Madness game, originally designed by The Warp Factory. The PR release confirms the name of…
Gremlin Graphics did deals with several manufacturers to bundle games with their hardware. Commodore were a big fan of Gremlin’s…