Facebook Google+ Twitter http://www.gremlinarchive.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/01-Thing-on-a-Spring.mp3 Thing on a Spring “Thing on a Spring” from Commodore Rock by Rob Hubbard. Released: 2004. 0 14.06.16
Facebook Google+ Twitter Ocean Release Schedule Ocean’s publishing and release schedule shows Daley Thompson’s Star Events – developed by Micro Projects Ltd. 0 11.06.16
Facebook Google+ Twitter Thing on a Spring The original Thing project had early development difficulties so Ian Stewart called upon the Commodore expertise of the Micro Projects… 0 09.06.16
Facebook Google+ Twitter Tycoon Tex (Artwork) Recreated artwork for Micro Projects and Anthony Clarke’s 1985 Commodore C16 game Tycoon Tex. 0 08.06.16
Facebook Google+ Twitter Retro Gamer C16 Minority Report Retro Gamer Magazine Issue 113 featuring a substantial C16 article entitled “Minority Report”. It contained reviews of many Gremlin C16… 0 07.06.16
Facebook Google+ Twitter Gremlin Graphics – The Story So Far A Gremlin PR leaflet that accompanied a trade show in early 1985. The text hints at the upcoming games from… 0 03.06.16
Facebook Google+ Twitter Jason Perkins – A Gremlin in the Works Thing on a Spring creator Jason Perkins is a contributor to A Gremlin in the Works – the companion book… 0 03.06.16
Facebook Google+ Twitter Epyx Partnership Exploring the US market, Gremlin partnered with Epyx for a short time releasing Commodore 64 games on disk in the… 0 01.06.16