Facebook Google+ Twitter Your Sinclair July 1987 Thing on a Spring’s return in Thing Bounces Back gets a preview in the July 1987 edition of Your Sinclair. 0 22.09.19
Facebook Google+ Twitter Thing on a Spring Telesales Info Sheet Gremlin’s Thing on a Spring Telesales Information Sheet used by Gremlin and CentreSoft marketing and sales staff when wholesaling games.… 0 25.05.16
Facebook Google+ Twitter Micro Projects Source Code Donated by Anthony Clarke – the Oric and C16 assembler source code to many of the company’s best games –… 1 25.05.16
Facebook Google+ Twitter Compliment Slip / Royalty Notes Gremlin Graphics With Compliments slip that has hand-written notes of royalties for several Micro Projects titles. POD = Pedals of… 0 24.05.16
Facebook Google+ Twitter Monty on the Run Gameplay Gameplay footage from the 1985 hit Monty on the Run. The Commodore 64 version was coded by Micro Projects Limited… 0 22.05.16
Facebook Google+ Twitter Monty on the Run (Teaser Adverts) A collection of teaser adverts for Peter Harrap’s Monty on the Run. Delays with the Commodore 64 release (whilst the… 0 22.05.16