
Dirty Racing (Gameboy)

Gremlin’s Alex Syrichas developed the Super Cars-esque racer for Japanese publisher Jaleco. The title was only available for purchase in the Far East, but appeared in the West on the twin-game package called Race Days.


Categories:   1993, 8-Bit, Box Art / Inlays, Gameboy, Games, Media, Platform, Year


  • Posted: 10th August 2024 05:24


    I recently found and played this game for the first time. I enjoy it a lot, the game offers a decent amount of challenge and excitement, though sometimes the game can be frustrating. It's funny to me how the game was only sold on its own in Japan. Perhaps that's how the game got away with having so many beautiful women in it. Surely the prudes at Nintendo of America would have never allowed it, though that doesn't explain how they slipped through in the two-pack released later. Also interesting to note that the title screen uses a cool graphics effect to overlay multiple text objects at once, one which does not work at all on a modern computer screen. I can only see it correctly if I play it on a GB proper.

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