
First Class with the Shoe People (ZX Spectrum)

The brainchild of Gremlin’s Licencing Director Dave Martins, First Class with The Shoe People was an educational tie-in with the TV series aimed at children aged between 4 and 6.

Martin Fowler wrote the lead versions on Amiga & ST, and Tony Reeves did the conversions to 8-bit micros. Phil Rankin did the PC version once the 16-bit versions were finished and Damien Hibbard did the printer routines on the Amiga; both vital but not the bulk of the program development.

Unfortunately, as with Gremlin’s previous two titles aimed at children (Beaver Bob in Dam Trouble and Tinderbox), First Class was short lived with this single title – even on the GBH Gold budget label.

Categories:   1991, Atari ST, Box Art / Inlays, Games, Media, Platform, Year


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