Facebook Google+ Twitter Take 4 Games A compilation featuring various Gremlin games for the Commodore 64, and a ported version of Chris Kerry’s Metabolis that had… 0 24.01.21
Facebook Google+ Twitter Tube Runner (C16) Kindly donated to the Gremlin Archive by @kekule1025, one of the curators of the fine Plus/World website, Tube Runner was… 0 06.12.18
Facebook Google+ Twitter http://www.gremlinarchive.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Shaun-Hollingworth-Genesis-of-Thing-on-a-Spring.mp3 Shaun Hollingworth – How Thing on a Spring got its name Shaun Hollingworth spills the beans on how iconic Gremlin Commodore 64 character “Thing on a Spring” got its name. 0 21.08.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter A Gremlin in the Works – Anthony Clarke Available to order from Bitmap Books, “A Gremlin in the Works” is the officially endorsed history of Gremlin Graphics Limited.… 0 31.07.17
Facebook Google+ Twitter Xargon’s Revenge (C16/Plus4) Anthony Clarke’s follow-up to the C16 hit, Xargon Wars … 0 01.11.16
Facebook Google+ Twitter Kung Fu Kid (Commodore C16/Plus4) After seeing the Kung Fu Master arcade machine, Jason Perkins coded this Commodore C16 martial arts spectacular. 0 16.10.16
Facebook Google+ Twitter Jack The Nipper (Kixx Label) Jason Perkins and Mark Rogers’ conversion of Greg Holmes’ C64 classic on the US Gold Kixx budget label. 0 17.06.16
Facebook Google+ Twitter Anthony Clarke Note Handwritten note from Anthony Clarke, formerly of Micro Projects, currently living in Australia. 0 17.06.16